Sunday, February 5, 2012

The beginning of the end

School went back on Wednesday, and now that I've survived the first three days and experienced at least one class in each of my subjects, I can now write a little bit about them, though to be honest, now that I've started writing, I don't really feel like it. Oh well.

English Literature
Even though I usually hate anything to do with English as a subject, I actually enjoyed myself during these first few classes. We were given a booklet which included two short stories called Light is Like Water and On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl and the opening of a book called The Bluest Eye. We read and discussed The Bluest Eye and Light is Like Water in class and, I have to say, I found the class discussion interesting. Hopefully the discussions that we have on our set texts are the same.

Maths feels the same as it did last year, mainly because most of the students in the class are the same as last year, and the teacher is also the same as last year. I'm still sitting next to Jane who is the inspiration for the Hublub Monster in Kayleuetski's world, so class is still interesting as always.

Maths Specialist
Well, actually, I can't really say all too much on this subject since we haven't really had a proper class yet. We spent our first class getting course outlines and migrating to a different room as someone had stolen the little air conditioner in our room. (It's a heritage building, so they couldn't put air conditioning in the roof or anything like that.)

I actually feel smart this time round in Chemistry. Not because I'm the smartest, but because I seem to be one of only a handful of people brave enough to answer questions. I've already warned the teacher that a) I'm a perfectionist and b) I'm scared of everything in the chem lab, though the latter may not be too much of a problem because I'm determined to take this as an opportunity to Go Forth and Conquer.

We started off music this year with a bang: we had to sing in what was to be a whole-school assembly in the amphitheatre but ended up being only a senior school one in the auditorium due to the weather. It was great to have Miss C back again, because she made warming up our voices so much fun.

As for the actual classes- music, like always, likes to be different. So while Stevie J's computer says that there's only one class of Western Art Music, that one class is split up into two. I'm with Murphy Minor. On Monday and Friday, we do Aural and Theory. On Tuesdays, we'll have Composition with Ms Hamer, and Thursdays is Music Literature with Murphy Minor. (Apparently, it's now called "Cultural and Historical Perspectives," but "Music Lit" sounds better and is easier to say and remember.)

Our Chinese class has only 18 people in it, and that's including the Year 12s.

Yes, we have a split class. That sums up how much interest people at my school have in learning foreign languages.

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