Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First blog post... and why is it raining today?

So here I had planned what I was going to write for my first blog post ("I have nothing to write") and then it starts raining as if to say that I do have something to write!

Today is 31 degrees (Celsius) and humid, and a storm has been forecast.

That's like Singapore weather. Or like that freak storm.

It's been raining this morning, but the rain in those big grey clouds up there doesn't seem to be able to make up its mind when it comes to what time it's going to fall. It's been alternating between a heavy bucket of rain and stopping altogether. Thankfully it's the holidays so it's not like I have to walk anywhere in this weather.

It's a pity that I can't write all of that in Chinese. My tutor wants me to write some stuff in Chinese in a sort of diary (only 5 sentences a week) and so far I've had so little to write that on one week I wrote about Dragon Quest IX (a DS game) and on another week I made up some imaginary character with wings called 美菊 (Měijú- pretty chrysanthemum) and wrote a couple of sentences about her.

Maybe I should just write "It is raining" 5 times. That's 5 sentences. She didn't say that all of the sentences had to be different.

And that concludes my blog post, since I have nothing more to write. I wonder what I'll write on days when there isn't any rain when I can't even write very much when there is rain...

1 comment:

  1. It is raining.
    It is humid.
    It is weather for a headache. XP

    Hi 'Etski. I iz spamming your blog. ; )
    Blog. Hedgehog.
    If I ever have a blog, I'm gonna call it my hedgehog.

    From the one who goes NYAH!!!
