Thursday, January 6, 2011


I have just realised that random strangers can tell that I'm such a nerd just by looking at the top shelf of my desk.

To show you what I mean, I'm not going to list everything on my top shelf, just the things that make me look like a nerd.
  1. A mini-folder type thing which has my year 7 graduation photo and my Dux Award certificate
  2. A folder containing all of my year 8 and 9 certificates
  3. Science Aspects Book 4
  4. Science Aspects Book 4 Homework Book (Wooldridges didn't have Book 4 on its own on the day I went)
  5. 250 Essential Japanese Kanji Characters (a little useful, but not very, since I don't know a lot of Japanese words)
  6. Heinemann History Links: Australia and the Twentieth Century World (why do I have this book in the first place?)
  7. A visual diary from year 8 titled "The Little Prince and Other Texts"
  8. Sudoku Puzzles volume 41
  9. 牛津英汉汉英小词典 (Niújīn yīng-hàn hàn-yīng xiǎo cídiǎn- Oxford English-Chinese Chinese-English Mini Dictionary)
  10. 新华字典 (Xīn huá zìdiǎn- New Chinese Dictionary. By the way, this one isn't a Chinese-English dictionary, it's a normal Chinese dictionary, so I can't read the definitions.)
  11. 新漢英詞典 (Xīn hàn-yīng cídiǎn- New Chinese-English Dictionary- this one is in traditional Chinese)
  12. Collins Easy Learning French Dictionary
  13. 汉英词典 (Hàn yīng cídiǎn- Chinese-English Dictionary- this one is huge)
  14. 365 Puzzle-a-Day Collection
  15. A study guide from my sister's old school (?!)
  16. School reports from last year
  17. Subject selection booklets
  18. Last year's school diary
  19. A 64-page A4 exercise book with Japanese words and sentences in it (at some stage I was trying to teach myself Japanese)
  20. Encore Tricolore 1: Grammar in Action
  21. Encore Tricolore 1
  22. 中文 2  (Zhōngwén 2)
  23. 中文 3  (Zhōngwén 3)
  24. 中文 4  (Zhōngwén 4)
  25. 中文 5  (Zhōngwén 5)
  26. 中文 6  (Zhōngwén 6)
  27. 你好 (Nǐ hǎo) 1 Student Workbook
  28. Hànyǔ 1 (this one is actually my mum's from when she was learning Chinese)
  29. Unit 3A Mathematics
  30. Unit 3B Mathematics
  31. Mathematics 3AB (gosh, these are creative titles!)
  32. Discrete Mathematics
  33. Applicable Mathematics
Yes, that's right. I have four Chinese dictionaries, 7 Chinese textbooks, 5 maths textbooks, and some French, Japanese and Science textbooks to boot. Oh and let's not forget the French dictionary. And a history book which I've never even looked in.

I've just realised that I've forgotten something. My mathomat. And if Wooldridges had had this year's French books when I went, then I'd have two more French books sitting on my top shelf.

Hooray for nerdism.


  1. WOOT! Nerdism! Hell to the yes :)

  2. Ummm, why????
    You would think i'm a disorganised artist if you looked at what was on my desk - several drawing pads, a collection of pens and pencils, many pieces of paper scattered about, covered with writing, a laptop, and... yeah. You'd think I was an artist/writer. Which I kinda am.

    But still, yays 4 nerdism!
